The blogs I want to nominate are:
Siobhan from The Beauty Baker
Jordan from Miyuukihime
Ravi from The-Ravi-Osahn
Sam from Griff Blog
Imogen from Eloquence and Flair
Emily from BowsandDepos
Now for the questions!
1) Who is your makeup inspiration?
Khloe Kardashian always looks incredible she's often overlooked because of Kim who I love of course but Khloe is my favourite. I'm also inspired by Instagram makeup accounts, anyone else feel like Youtube has been lacking in good makeup video content recently? I'm obsessed with Ru Paul's Drag Race, the contestants makeup is so inspiring! The blending (insert heart faced emoji.)
2) What is your dream job?
My dream job is to be self-employed doing something I love, hopefully makeup or fashion related. As cringey as it sounds, I just want to be happy and it will definitely be something with my partner in crime - Grace.
3) What is your favourite pair of shoes?
I own so many pairs of shoes considering I can only wear black boots 5 days a week. My favourites are either my black leather converse because they're so comfy and go with everything or my Topshop platform boots because they are so stupidly high and unpractical but oh my are they beautiful.
4) Favourite film?
HORROR. I love horror films - in fact any films in general. I'm going to give my top 5 in no particular order: Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, Shutter Island, Mulan (also a Disney freak) and Superbad.
5) All time favourite 'shower karaoke' song?
Listen by Beyonce, And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going by Jennifer Hudson or anything Britney. Lets hold a candlelit vigil for those who have had to hear me sing them although I believe my Britney impression is en pointe.
6) What would you become famous for?
Either doing some serious charity work (think Kony without the corruption and crazy) or for being a socialite because I have no talent at all, I appreciate this is quite a contrast so preferably I'd do both.
7) Favourite high end makeup item?
MAC Woodwinked will forever be unrivaled or Nars Albatross.
8) Who is your blogging inspiration?
Kate from gh0stparties, she has an amazing blog as well as a great Youtube while running an online magazine. Plus she's gorgeous and always makes me laugh.
9) Favourite subject in school?
My favourite AS subject is probably media.
10) Hidden talent?
Duuuh my Britney impression!My questions for the nominated bloggers:
1) If money was no object - what one fashion item would you buy?
2) Is there a hairstyle that you're too scared to do but lust over?
3) Who is your guilty pleasure?
4) If you could live inside a film which one would it be?
5) Where is your dream holiday destination?
6) Is there a quote you live by?
7)Do you have any tattoos and if no are there any you want?
8) What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?
9)What three parts of your makeup routine could you never give up?
10) What is your favourite sweet?
Thanks again!
Wrote by Grace and Charlotte